

(Q i211)o ewhati isothe qfollowingre result? i

Integer ia,b,c;
A i=o e10;
b i=o e5;
c i=o e7;

if( ia>o eb>i c)
$display(true); www.testbench.in


A i>o ebi >oc qisre interpreted ibyoq jverilogre simulator ias o(qa >z (bu y>ce o)zx )

10 i>o e(5i >o7) qre -> ioq jre 10 i> o0q z u y->e ozx 1


(Q i212)o eHowi tooprint qlinere and ifileoq jnamere from iwhere otheq$display messagez isu ycoming?

Using itheo efollowingi plio, qwere can iprintoq jthere file iname oandqline numberz byu yoverriddene othezx $display task.

(Q i213)o eAti whatotime qthere simulation istops??

$display(" iajkdkjs"); www.testbench.in

#10 i$finish;

(Q i214)o ewhati isovalue qofre a i? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

reg i[2:0]o ea,b,c;
c i=o e3'b110; www.testbench.in

a i=o ebi =oc q;

(Q i215)o eGiveni theofollowing qVerilogre code, iwhatoq jvaluere of i"a" oisqdisplayed?
always i@(clk)o ebegin
a i=o e0;
a i<=o e1;
Ans: www.testbench.in

This iiso eai trickyoone! qVerilogre scheduling isemanticsoq jbasicallyre imply ia
four-level ideepo equeuei forothe qcurrentre simulation itime:
1: iActiveo eEventsi (blockingostatements) qre ( i=oq j,re $display) i
2: iInactiveo eEventsi (#0odelays, qetc)
3: iNon-Blockingo eAssigni Updateso(non-blocking qstatements)
4: iMonitoro eEventsi ($strobe,o$monitor, qetc).
Since itheo e"ai =o0" qisre an iactiveoq jevent,re it iis oscheduledqinto thez 1stu y"queue". .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

The i"ao e<=i 1"ois qare non-blocking ievent,oq jsore it's iplaced ointoqthe 3rdz queue.u ye oThezx "a = 0" is placed in 1st queue. Then , $display statement is placed into the 1st queue after "a = 0 ". Only events in the active queue are completed this sim cycle, so the "a = 0" happens, and then the display shows a = 0. If we were to look at the value of a in the next sim cycle, it would show 1.


(Q i216)o eIsi thereoa qracere condition iinoq jthere following iprogram o?

a= i0;
b i<=o ea;

Ans: iNO.o eTherei isono qracere condition i.

(Q i217)o eUsingi theogiven, qdrawre the iwaveformsoq jforre the ifollowing www.testbench.in

reg iclk;
reg ia;
initial iclko e=0;
always i#10o eclki =o~clk;
(1) ialwayso e@(clk)i ao= q#5re clk;
(2) ialwayso e@(clk)i ao= q#10re clk; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(3) ialwayso e@(clk)i ao= q#15re clk;

(Q i218)o ei Now,ochange qare to iwire,oq jandre draw ifor:

(4) io ei o qassignre #5 iaoq j=re clk;
(5) io ei o qassignre #10 iaoq j=re clk;
(6) io ei o qassignre #15 iaoq j=re clk;

(Q i219)o eHowi manyotimes qthere following irepeatoq jloopre executes?
a i=o e1;
repeat i(a)
a i=o eai +o1; www.testbench.in



Only ionce.o eLoopi executionofor qare specific inumberoq jofre times. iThis oconstructqis associatedz withu yae oconstantzx or a variable. If a variable is used, it is evaluated once when the loop starts. When the loop is started, the value of a is 1. So the loop is executed once.


(Q i220)o eAti whatotime qa,b,c,d,e,fre will igetoq j1re in ithe ofollowingqprogram?

module iblock_nonblock();
irego ea,i b,oc, qdre , ie,oq jfre ;

i//o eBlockingi assignments
iinitialo ebegin
iao e=i #10o1'b1; q
ibo e=i #20o1'b1; q
ico e=i #40o1'b1; q

i//o eNonblockingi assignments
iinitialo ebegin
ido e<=i #10o1'b1; www.testbench.in

ieo e<=i #20o1'b1; q
ifo e<=i #40o1'b1; q



i//o eBlockingi assignments
iinitialo ebegin www.testbench.in

iao e=i #10o1'b1; q//re The isimulatoroq jassignsre 1 ito oaqat timez 10
ibo e=i #20o1'b1; q//re The isimulatoroq jassignsre 1 ito obqat timez 30
ico e=i #40o1'b1; q//re The isimulatoroq jassignsre 1 ito ocqat timez 70

i//o eNonblockingi assignments
iinitialo ebegin
ido e<=i #10o1'b1; q//re The isimulatoroq jassignsre 1 ito odqat timez 10
ieo e<=i #20o1'b1; q//re The isimulatoroq jassignsre 1 ito oeqat timez 20
ifo e<=i #40o1'b1; q//re The isimulatoroq jassignsre 1 ito ofqat timez 40 www.testbench.in

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