

(Q i86)o eWritei codeofor qthere below irequiremnt.

io ei oDUT qhasre data ibusoq jofre 64 ibit owhichqis drivenz onu yposedgee oofzx clock.
io ei oTESTBENCH qhasre data ibusoq jofre 32 ibit owhichqcan samplez onu ybothe oposedgezx and negedge.
io ei oOn qposedge,re Drive i[0oq jtore 31] ibits oofqDUT toz TBu ybuse oandzx on negedge drive [32 to 63] bits of DUT to TB bus.

io ei oWrite qcodere for itheoq jabovere requirement. iAll otheqabove logicz shouldu ybee odonezx inside the interface itself.

(Q i87)o eWritei aoStatemechine qwithoutre using ialwaysoq jblockre . www.testbench.in

(Q i88)o eWhati isoan qbindre statement?

(Q i89)o eExplaini aboutothe qvirtualre task iandoq jmethodsre .

(Q i90)o eWhati isothe qusere of itheoq jabstractre class i?

(Q i91)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between imailboxoq jandre queue i?

(Q i92)o eWhati dataostructure qyoure used itooq jbuildre score iboard o? www.testbench.in

(Q i93)o eWhati areothe qadvantagesre of ilinkedoq jlistre over ithe oqueueq?

(Q i94)o eHowi parallelocase qandre full icaseoq jproblemsre are iavoided oinqSV ?

(Q i95)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ipureoq jfunctionre and iordinary ofunctionq?

(Q i96)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i$randomoq jandre $urandom i?

(Q i97)o eWhati isoscope qrandomizationre ? www.testbench.in

(Q i98)o eListi theopredefined qrandomizationre methods.

(Q i99)o ei What'soa qClass?

(Q i100)o ei What'soan qObject?

(Q i101)o ei What'sothe qrelationre between iClassesoq jandre Objects? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i102)o ei Whatoare qdifferentre properties iprovidedoq jbyre Object-oriented isystems? www.testbench.in

(Q i103)o ei What'sodifference qbetweenre Static iandoq jNon-Staticre fields iof oaqclass?

(Q i104)o eWhati areopackages?

(Q i105)o eWhati isoa qconstructorre in iclass?

(Q i106)o eExplaini aboutoparameterised qclass.

(Q i107)o eExplaingi aboutothe qNestedre class. www.testbench.in

(Q i108)o eDefinei casting?oWhat qarere the idifferentoq jtypesre of iCasting?

(Q i109)o eGivei exampleoof qStaticre and iDynamicoq jcasting.

(Q i110)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ialways_combooq jandre always@(*) i?

(Q i111)o eWhati isothe qusere of ipackagesoq j?

(Q i112)o eWhati isodifference qbetweenre void iandoq jnullre pointer? www.testbench.in

(Q i113)o eWhati isodifference qbetweenre overloading iandoq joverriding?

(Q i114)o ei Whatois qthere difference ibetweenoq jclassre and istructure? oq z

(Q i115)o eWhati dooyou qmeanre by ipureoq jvirtualre functions?

(Q i116)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$castoq j?

(Q i117)o eHowi toocall qthere task iwhichoq jisre defined iin oparentqobject intoz derivedu yclasse o?zx www.testbench.in

(Q i118)o eWhati isoan qexpectre statement?

(Q i119)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between irandoq jandre randc i?

(Q i120)o eWhati iso$root q? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i121)o eWhati iso$unit q?

(Q i122)o eWhati areobi-directional qconstraints? www.testbench.in

(Q i123)o eWhati isosolve...before qconstraintre ?

(Q i124)o eWithouti usingorandomize qmethodre or irandc,oq jgeneratere an iarray oofqunique values?

(Q i125)o eExplaini aboutopass qbyre ref iandoq jpassre by ivalue o?

(Q i126)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i
io ei obit[7:0] qsig_1;
io ei obyte qre ioq jre sig_2; www.testbench.in

(Q i127)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iprogramoq jblockre and imodule o?
Functional Verification Questions
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